CiBER Current Research



 • Nano-optics Technology for Document and Banknote Security (NOtES).

NOtES technology platform began as a research project surrounding nano-features and functional polymers and put CiBER team at the forefront of the printed security features or embedded nano-features into paper or polymer. The patent has been licensed to Wireless 2 Technologies that became NanoTech Security Corporation. (NTS-V: NTS) is a publicly traded corporation on the TSX Venture Exchange with Dr. Kaminska serving as NanoTech’s Chief Scientific Officer and Director.

 • Polymer-based Energy System Technologies and Applications

Energy system takes advantage of the plasmonic nano-structures fabricated in thin films for color filtering and performance enhancement of our Organic Photovoltaic (OPV) cells as well as a high-density energy storage in an ionic polymeric material called StOR. StOR technology and OPVs have been licensed to IDme Technologies. The research and farther development continue in collaboration with IDme and BC Hydro. The commercial applications and printing fabrication processes are in testing and optimization phase.

• Optical Devices, Optical Signal Acquisition and Processing

A new generation of micro-machined optical filters for non-invasive imaging has been developed, resulting in patent application, multiple high impact journal publications, and multiple conference publications. Collaboration has been established with University of Western Ontario: Dr. Jeffrey J.L. Carson from the Lawson Health Research Institute and the Department of Medical Biophysics, and Dr. Kevin Jordan, MD from the Oncology Department. The clinical in-vivo tests on breast cancer detection are now in progress. To complete an optical set-up, a new concept of low-cost and high-resolution broadband color cameras has been developed based on the nano-technology (multi-layer plasmonic thin films).



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